With Podium Webchat and Feedback, you can leverage customer chat to deliver memorable experiences that show customers you’re more than just a business.
When considering the purchase of a new product or service, what brands immediately come to mind? Likely ones that previously delivered a meaningful experience. Companies that bring their customers’ needs to the forefront have the most success in developing repeat business. How can you use customer chat to deliver remarkable experiences to your customer base?
With Webchat and Feedback, you can establish an open channel for free-flowing customer chat with potential customers. This makes it easy to offer an attentive, concierge-style experience that customers crave.
Give Customer Communication a VIP Touch
When was the last time a business did something unique that made you feel special? Reports show 58 percent of customers say they will spend more money with a business that provides top-notch customer service.
Podium Webchat gives you the unparalleled ability to offer a rare, white-glove customer service experience. Webchat arms you with a complete record of a customer’s interactions with your company. With this powerful insight, you can send exclusive offers, suggest targeted companion products, or send helpful articles that best apply to their specific set of circumstances.
Showcase Your Business’s Expertise and Unique Personality
People enjoy doing business with actual people—not robots. Podium Webchat is an easy way to humanize your business and share its unique personality with the world. Show your customers they are more than just dollar signs by communicating via friendly, accessible platforms like text messaging.
Podium Webchat gives you the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. You’ll be the immediate go-to when customers have questions or need another product like yours in the future.
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Handle Customer Concerns with Care
What leads customers to file complaints via social media? Polls show 70 percent of customers are driven by the desire to share their negative experiences with other consumers. Using Webchat, customers have an easy, convenient way to reach you through your website. You can instantaneously discuss issues and concerns before they spread onto the web like wildfire. Your caring, transparent response will instead leave a positive impression: one you won’t mind that they share with friends and family.
Find out potential issues in advance by sending out targeted surveys with Podium Feedback. You can proactively solve a simmering problem before it boils over into internet ire.
Maintain a Consistent Connection with Your Customer Base
Do you ever feel like your week ended in the blink of an eye? Depending on your business, you might get stuck behind a computer or tethered to your production facility. With a never-ending to-do list, it’s easy for a week to fly by without having any meaningful conversations with your customers.
With Webchat, you can maintain relationships with your customers no matter what the day brings. People are far more likely to reach out to you when they can use convenient methods like text messaging. Webchat makes it easy for you to stay involved in customer conversations and uncover new intel about your product experience. It might even inspire an idea for a brand new product.
Get Podium Webchat and Feedback
Stand out from the crowd by treating your customers to an exclusive, VIP-style experience. Instead of using customer service to answer standalone questions, you can use it to develop meaningful, long-term customer relationships. While other companies continue to offer average customer service, you can use Webchat and Feedback to transform this area into a meaningful profit center.
James+James Furniture noticed a declining rate of customer interactions. While the company was well-known for creating customizable furniture, requests slowed. To provide customers with an easy way to ask questions, James+James Furniture added Webchat to their website. Questions started flowing in, and the average Webchat user ended up spending 15 percent more than those that didn’t.
Popping up in the familiar, friendly place of a customer’s text inbox also helped James+James Furniture provide a personal touch that other businesses couldn’t. The company was able to gain trust with potential customers by communicating in a more personable way. Webchat helped James+James Furniture extend its unique level of personalization into the customer service sphere.