We’ll always need plumbers, right? Well yes, we need professional plumbers to maintain water systems. It’s vital infrastructure. But that doesn’t mean the volume and type of plumbers’ work isn’t impacted by trends in the wider construction industry and by trends in consumer demand. There are definite shifts in the plumbing industry to be aware of to maintain and grow your customer base as a solo master plumber or a multi-location plumbing company.
The Importance of Knowing Industry Trends
The foundation of a successful business is knowing how to help your customers choose you. It’s very difficult to do that from a reactive standpoint. A competitor could sweep in and win them over first. By proactively keeping on top of factors influencing the construction industry as a whole, plumbing companies, and customer preferences and priorities, you can stay ahead of the curve. Meet customer needs before customers are even aware of their new needs and you will be on the top of the list for plumbers to call.
Who is the Target Market for Plumbers?
To meet customer needs, you need to know your customers. While some level of plumbing is necessary in most buildings, whether to set up toilets or water heaters, there are certain customer profiles that are most likely to invest in plumbing services.
In the residential sector, homeowners are most likely to need the services of a plumber. This could be to fix current plumbing systems, upgrade old systems for greater functionality, or add new systems as part of home improvement projects. Home services are so popular because homeowners want to be able to take pride in their homes and really make them a haven.
In the commercial sector, new construction is a great source of plumbers’ work as it requires the skilled installation of modern plumbing systems. Plumbers can also get work from commercial entities in already existing buildings across maintenance and installation, ensuring their buildings are fit for purpose and support the work going on inside.
When targeting your digital marketing, these are the types of customers worth dedicating most of your resources to.
How is the Plumbing industry doing?
The state of the plumbing industry at the moment is varied. The economic situation has slowed down new construction projects. On the other hand, homeowners are renovating and remodeling their homes to better meet their needs without having to move.
The cost of materials has also been a concern in the residential and commercial sectors alike as it impacts the costs to consumers and profit margins. However the global plumbing fittings and fixtures market is growing rapidly at a CAGR of 4.4%. It seems like customers are willing to invest in appliances and faucets to bring their vision for their plumbing system to life, especially if they align with the trends we are about to touch on – smart technology and sustainability.
7 Top Plumbing Industry Trends for 2024
If you want to grow your plumbing company, think about how you can integrate these trends into your business.
#1 Smart technology in plumbing
Homeowners want to be able to manage their homes from their phones. The technology exists to make that happen. From smart toilets to leak detector devices, the whole plumbing system can be managed on an interconnected network made up of sensors, IoT devices, and machine learning algorithms.
This allows for wireless control to turn appliances on and off, automate routines, and access advanced monitoring to track water usage and flag potential issues. Smart technology streamlines water consumption, maintenance and energy usage, creating a more efficient system.
#2 Green plumbing
The data analysis possible with smart technology not only improves convenience and cost-effectiveness but also fulfills a high-priority customer desire – sustainability. Consumers are very aware of their impact on the planet and want plumbing solutions to reduce damage and support sustainability. Eco-friendly plumbing solutions are already starting to emerge.
Customers can opt for low-flow toilets, water-saving faucets, and connections to sustainable energy sources. Beyond monitoring water consumption, customers can conserve water through the installation of greywater systems. This is a system that collects water that has been used but is still clean enough for some household uses such as toilet flushing.
#3 Shorter product pipeline
To keep up with modern plumbing, plumbers need modern tools that enable them to complete jobs more efficiently. One technology making strides in this area is 3D printing. By 3D printing key plumbing fixtures, plumbers can reduce wait times even for specialized fixtures. It minimizes delays often seen in traditional manufacturing that frustrate customers and prevent plumbers from taking on more work.
#4 Off-site repairs
Augmented reality is making a splash in many industries including plumbing. Plumbers can map a building online so they can explore the plumbing system through augmented reality, identifying areas of maintenance and repair completely digitally. This technology can be applied quite widely in plumbers’ work including planning installations and training new recruits. It’s safer, smarter and more efficient.
#5 Low-footprint materials
Another way for plumbing companies to reduce their environmental footprint and meet the customer demand for sustainability is by using recycled materials in their work. The products they source and manufacture such as pipes, fixtures and faucets can be made from recycled materials. This saves the planet while being just as effective.
#6 Onsite water purification
Additionally, plumbing companies can be advocates of water conservation and ease the financial and environmental concerns of customers by offering water purification systems. New water purification technology such as reverse osmosis systems and UV systems make it possible for homeowners and business owners to thoroughly cleanse water, removing contaminants onsite. This means the water can be safely reused in more ways than greywater can be, establishing a water recycling loop.
#7 Tankless water heaters
Another innovation of modern plumbing is tankless water heaters. The idea is that the water is heated on demand as it runs through the system instead of being heated in a water tank. This is more energy efficient and therefore cost-effective and eco-friendly because water isn’t heated needlessly.
Plumbing Industry Market Analysis & Forecast
Clearly, there is a lot of potential for growth as new opportunities present themselves. However, a significant concern about the plumbing market that needs to be dealt with in the next few years is labor shortages. The construction industry has been experiencing a labor shortage for a while now, putting skilled plumbers in high demand as contractors struggle to fulfill job demands. The plumber job outlook is estimated to increase by 5% over the next 10 years. This shows the importance of building the plumbing workforce back up through apprenticeships. As master plumbers retire, we need skilled plumbers ready to take over.
There is a specific need for workers skilled in the areas of smart technology and eco-friendly plumbing. These are predicted to be major drivers of growth so the plumbing industry needs to be able to meet the growing demand for technology-driven and eco-conscious plumbing systems.
The Future of the Plumbing Industry?
Many of the factors slowing growth in the plumbing industry will most likely recalibrate in the next 5 to 10 years. For example, new construction will pick up again, the cost of raw materials will ease, and new technology will not only make plumbing systems more efficient but the execution of plumbing jobs more efficient. As a result of greater demand for home improvement work, greater interest in fixtures and fittings, and new opportunities for growth, the global plumbing market is enjoying a CAGR of over 5.4%.
Will Plumbers Be in Demand in the Future?
It’s unlikely there will be a future where plumbers aren’t in demand. With the labor shortages, plumbers will be very much in demand over the next few years as the size of the workforce catches up. Beyond the labor situation, the demand for smart technology and sustainable water systems means plumbers will be needed to keep the infrastructure working and up to date.
Now you know what customers are looking for from their local plumber – home renovation support with an emphasis on smart and green systems – you can convert and book more plumbing jobs, faster. Especially if you have lead generation and conversion software built to make generating lifetime clients easier. See what all the hype is about with Podium.