Survey software helps you gain the valuable insights you need to improve customer experience and streamline your business’s internal processes.
How Podium Provides Survey Software
Podium offers innovative feedback tools to help you identify and resolve bad customer experiences before they turn into negative reviews. You can use these responses to offer better customer service, identify pain points in your customer experience journey, and help your customers feel like their voice and concerns are being heard. Want on-demand insights from your customer base? Check out these Podium features.
1. Automated Survey Distribution
With Feedback, you can solicit customer responses through two brief automated texts. Your staff can use strategic survey question templates to save time and effort.
Now your team doesn’t have to spend precious time and energy on crafting a customer survey request. They can send a survey in seconds, immediately after a customer interaction. Your customer also saves time and can respond quickly and easily to the survey request on their smartphone. Automating your survey distribution process means more timely, accurate responses, and more reliable data
2. Real-Time Responses
Feedback enables quick responses from your most recent customers while they’re still engaged. You want accurate responses that actually reflect fresh impressions of your business and it’s employees. Gathering responses quickly allows for the highest-quality customer feedback and better data to inform important internal decision-making.
You don’t have to wait for months for surveys to be distributed and returned. Instead, you get feedback in just minutes. Customers don’t remember the details of their experience weeks or months after they visit your business. The more time that passes between customer interactions and their response to your customer satisfaction survey, the less likely their response will be useful to you. Get more responses, faster with the top feedback platform for local businesses.
3. Customization
Podium’s Customer Interaction Platform allows you to use existing survey templates, like NPS, or write your own questions. Feedback lets you customize their survey experience, based on answers, to ask pointed, specific questions about locations, touchpoints, employees and more.
Do you know your business struggles with a certain aspect of the customer experience that you are actively trying to improve? Or perhaps you are just starting to gather data on customer experience and want general feedback to empower your sales and customer service staff. Feedback’s text-based responses are faster than traditional survey software, allowing you to pinpoint issues before they impact your business.
Not only can you create custom questions, but you can also determine what percentage of your customers receive them. So you can still send review invitations and improve your online reputation while gathering internal feedback.
4. Two-Way Communication
With Podium, the conversation doesn’t need to be one-sided. Podium enables two-way communication, giving you an opportunity to respond to customer feedback in real-time. When customers have a bad experience, Podium can immediately alert you to the issue so that you can address it with the customer in realtime, when it matters most. You may even get the opportunity to change the customers’ negative opinions before they become bad reviews.
Being able to respond to negative surveys may help you resolve problems faster and retain customers who have had a negative experience. Addressing a problem directly with the customer can improve their experience with your business, help you retain customers, and encourage customer loyalty.
Ready to grow?
See immediate impact with Podium’s suite of lead management and communication tools.
Feedback is a powerful tool for surveying your customers and gathering information. Without information from your customers, it can be challenging to make improvements to perfect the overall customer experience. Feedback gives you quick access to valuable insights directly from your customers.
Feedback automates survey requests, so they’re convenient for your staff. Plus, requests are sent via text and typically require only a one-word response so they’re convenient for your customers.
Podium Feedback also offers other useful features to help you maximize the value of customer feedback. Notifications can help you detect and resolve negative customer experiences. Analytics can help you track feedback trends overtime for extra insight into what you’re doing well and what you may want to change. You can also track your Net Promoter Score (NPS) and watch it improve over time.
How Ashley Furniture HomeStore is Using Feedback for Survey Software
Ashley Furniture HomeStore is known for their customer experience. The retailer’s world-class NPS score is a key component of its brand strategy. Getting fast customer feedback is key to improving their operations. In under 12 months, Ashley Furniture HomeStore received 20,000 results through Podium Feedback.
To keep customers coming back and facilitate better customer experiences, Ashley Furniture HomeStore used Podium Feedback and other tools available through Podium’s Customer Interaction Platform. Feedback gives leadership the freedom to send out survey requests quickly and get real-time responses, giving them the information they need to stay on top of their game in a competitive industry.